Sex traffickers left thousands of women to starve during Italy lockdown

Thousands of Nigerian women forced into prostitution were left to starve by sex traffickers during the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy, the Guardian can reveal. According to the UN’s International Office for Migration (IOM), more than 80% of the tens of thousands of Nigerian women who arrived in Italy from Libya in recent years were victims […]

Why Asian pride is more dangerous than White supremacy?

Here is the whole article, July 10, 2020 A Facebook post has resurfaced from Toronto-based Black Lives Matter co-founder Yusra Khogali stating white people are “sub-human” an“inferior race,” “recessive genetic defects,” and they should be “wiped out.”Asian-Americans have also been experiencing this type of Nazistic ideology from members of Black Lives Matter throughout the United […]

Philippines is actually El Dorado, 2nd largest gold reserve!!! Gold is one of the rarest and priciest metals. The Philippines, it’s been said, sits on “mountains of gold”. This epithet needs a closer look. Figures from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), a government agency, show that the country produced 20.765 metric tonnes (MT) of gold in 2018, valued at $866.72 million (Php44.8 […]

Regional Rivalries?

Regional Rivalries?

Anyway, its Sinulog festival time here in the Philippines, the main festival of us Hiligaynon’s rivals, the perfidious Cebuanos. Look at them all trying to strut with their fluvial parades and shwit. Anyway, I dont actually dislike Cebuanos because I have Cebuano friends but I just consider them friendly competition. But they are not the […]

Pretty & Hot Sexy Filipina girls

Filipina girls Rules:  1) NO SEXUAL EXPLICIT – no sexual poses.. no stripper poses. 2) NO SEXUAL TALK or sexual WORDS between members. 3) girls only 18+4) please consider the fact, that we don’t own this website… we follow their rules.5) EB88 answers to it’s contract with google & other websites.. google will punish EB88 if it’s […]