've noticed quite a few posts about the era of pre-Spain, and some of them denote to be quite negative ( I won't name who but I think you all know who I'm referring too). So I very recently created a sub-reddit that goes over that specific subject for those that are interested or passionate about it as I am. I have seen many knowledgeable posts by @McDreamyMD about this subject and would welcome any one who is interested about the Pre-colonial Philippines. 
Those that might want to talk about this subject is welcome aboard! @Selurong @ashkenaz @PimpMasterPro23 


Although I must admit, time isn't exactly on my side as Electrical Engineering has taken most of it, Verilog isn't exactly the easiest thing to do when you have to play catch up with learning sequential circuit timing and verilog syntax. So, I encourage some of you who do have the time to possibly be a strong part of this subreddit as a means to discover and create theories (and possibly even facts) on the many unknown things that may or may not of happened during the Ancient Philippines