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Preliminary evaluation of the Chinese version of the Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire

Hao Zhang, Xianjun Yang, [...], and Lei Shang

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This study was conducted to develop a Chinese version of the Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ) and to evaluate its reliability and validity.


The Chinese version of the BEBQ was developed by translation and back‐translation of the original BEBQ, followed by revision according to experts on the most appropriate item content. Mothers of 300 infants aged <12 months were recruited for survey participation from the paediatric outpatient departments of two large general hospitals in Xi'an, China. Fifty of the mothers were selected randomly for retesting after 2 weeks. Face‐to‐face surveys included explanation of the process, administration of the Chinese version of the BEBQ with regard to the exclusive breast‐feeding period, and demographic data collection. The reliability, validity and discrimination of the questionnaire were evaluated through correlation coefficient calculation, factor analysis, parallel analysis and other methods.


The Chinese version of the BEBQ consists of 15 items in four dimensions (food responsiveness, enjoyment of food, slowness in eating and satiety responsiveness). The cumulative variance contribution rate was 58.4%, the Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.93, the Guttman split‐half reliability coefficient was 0.87 and the test–retest reliability coefficient was 0.75. The satiety responsiveness and food responsiveness scores differed significantly according to gestational age at birth, infant sex and average monthly weight gain (all P < 0.05). The enjoyment of food score differed significantly according to average monthly weight gain (P < 0.05).


The Chinese version of the BEBQ showed good reliability and validity and can be used to evaluate infants' appetite through the assessment of eating behaviour.

Keywords: appetite, eating behaviour, infant, questionnaire, reliability, validity


Key messages


  • The Chinese version of the Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ) has good reliability and validity.
  • The Chinese version of the BEBQ is the first tool developed for the evaluation of infant appetite during the exclusive milk‐feeding period in China.




Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire
goodness of fit index
25th percentile
75th percentile


The period from pregnancy to 2 years after birth is defined as the window of opportunity for the prevention of chronic diseases (Barker et al., 2008). Some studies have shown that rapid weight gain in infancy is associated not only with obesity in adulthood (Bouret, 2010; Kroller & Warschburger, 2011), but also with adult metabolic diseases (e.g., type II diabetes) and the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (Smith et al., 2009). Thus, this stage plays a crucial role in chronic disease prevention in adulthood. Furthermore, infancy is a period of rapid fat cell growth, and excessive energy intake during this period may generate a risk of obesity in infancy, childhood and even adulthood (Li et al., 2008; Salgin et al., 2015). Healthy eating behaviours can foster balanced and adequate nutrition for babies, thus promoting growth. Unhealthy eating behaviours can cause malnutrition or overweight in infants and children, which can affect physical growth and intellectual development (De Kroon et al., 2011; Lefebvre & John, 2013). The initial stage of infant milk feeding has been found to be critical, with uninterrupted deep sucking and excessive appetite during breastfeeding associated with overweight and obesity in infancy (Li et al., 2008; Stunkard et al., 2004). However, infant appetite is not well understood, and further research is needed to identify the feeding behaviours that characterize a large appetite.

The Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ) is used to evaluate infants' eating behaviour in the exclusive milk‐feeding period (0–3 months) (Llewellyn et al., 2010, 2011). The predictors and outcomes of variation in early infant appetite can be evaluated through parents' BEBQ responses. The BEBQ is the first standardized measure of infant appetite designed to characterize appetites that may confer susceptibility to excess weight gain; it has been used widely in the UK (Llewellyn et al., 2010, 2011).

No scale for the evaluation of infant appetite in China is available, which restricts the development of studies of, for example, relationships of infants' appetites to children's appetites and parental feeding habits. Thus, we created a Chinese version of the BEBQ. This questionnaire will serve as a reliable tool for the evaluation of infant appetite in China.


2.1. Questionnaire source

The original BEBQ (Llewellyn et al., 2011)consists of 18 items in four dimensions—food responsiveness, enjoyment of food, slowness in eating and satiety responsiveness—with a single item assessing infants' general appetite. Responses are structured by a five‐point scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). Dimension scores are determined by calculating the mean of item scores within each dimension, with higher scores representing more problematic eating behaviour. Higher food responsiveness and enjoyment of food scores are associated with greater appetite, and higher satiety responsiveness and slowness in eating scores are related to lesser appetite.

2.2. Questionnaire translation and revision

After obtaining consent from the author of the BEBQ (Llewellyn et al., 2011), apaediatrician and anative‐Chinese‐speaking English teacherindependently translated the questionnaire into Chinese. Item meaning and wording were compared between these two translated drafts, and after careful panel discussion the translated items that were most concordant with the originals were chosen for inclusion in the draft translated version of the BEBQ. The panel consisted of seven experts in paediatrics, statistics, the English language, child psychology and nutrition. A paediatrician and a medical statistics professor who had lived and studied in Canada for many years back‐translated the Chinese version of the draft into English together. After comparison of the original and retranslated versions, items with differences were reported to the panel again, and a second round of translation and correction was carried out as necessary to yield items with meanings that were consistent with the original items.

Then, a survey was conducted to test the draft Chinese BEBQ with 100 family members of children who visited the paediatric outpatient departments of major hospitals in Xi'an during a 1‐week period. Omission rates were high (>5%) and discrimination was low (skewness ~±1, coefficient of variation <0.25) for items 4, 7 and 10 (Table 1), which were removed after paneldiscussion to avoid misunderstanding or lack of precision in responses. These items reflect differences between Chinese and western cultures. The concept of appetite is not referred to often in Chinese culture, and many Chinese parents dote on their children due to the national one‐child policy, which results in their unawareness of their children's satiety and a persistent feeling that their children do not eat enough. Thus, the final revised Chinese version of the BEBQ has 15 items. The scoring method is the same as for the original questionnaire.


Chinese Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire items and statistical characteristics

2.3. Scale assessment


2.3.1. Sample selection 

In May 2012, 300 infants aged <1 year who presented to the paediatric outpatient departments of two general hospitals in Xi'an for health examinations or consultations were selected for study inclusion. Fifty of these infants were selected randomly for retesting after 2 weeks using simple random sampling. The inclusion criteria were: (1) breastfeeding status, (2) no illness affecting appetite or eating behaviour in the previous 2 weeks and (3) mothers' agreement to participate in the study. The exclusion criteria were: (1) gastrointestinal disease, fever, liver or kidney disease, or other disease affecting appetite or dietary behaviour in the previous month; (2) cleft lip and/or palate, which could cause breastfeeding problems; and (3) mothers' refusal to participate or communication disorder. This study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of thel (No.v2.0.2012.03.10). All participants provided informed consent to participation.


2.3.2. Survey content 

The investigators were eight doctors and nurses who had worked in paediatric clinical or child nursing for >5 years; they were trained systematically and comprehensively before survey administration. The Chinese version of the BEBQ and a family demographic information questionnaire, developed based on a literature review and panel discussion, were administered face to face. Mothers completed the instruments under the investigators' guidance based on their infants' eating behaviour during the exclusive breastfeeding period. The investigators collected and checked the questionnaires. Those that lacked responses to all items and those with the same answers to all items were considered to be invalid and were removed from the sample. Data on birth weight, gestational age (in weeks) and delivery mode were obtained from the infants' health records. At the time of survey administration, investigators measured the infants' weight and body length using standardized methods. The infants were categorized as having low body weight (birth weight <2500 g) or normal weight (birth weight 2500–3999 g) or as being overweight (birth weight ≥4000 g) (Marino & Fine, 2009). Monthly weight gain was calculated using the following formula:

[Current weight − Birth weight (g)].

Age (months).

The 25th percentile (P25) and 75th percentile (P75) of average monthly weight gain were also calculated, and infants' weight increase was categorized as average <P25, P25 ≤ average < P75, and P75 ≤ average. Birth timing was classified as full term (≥37 gestational weeks) and preterm (<37 gestational weeks) according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (Wendland et al., 2012).


2.3.3. Statistical analysis 

The EpiData 3.0 software (the EpiData Association) was used to construct a database for this study. Analyses were performed using SPSS 18.0 (IBM SPSS Statistics). Dispersion tendency analysis, factor analysis and reliability tests were used for item analysis. Items were screened using standard deviations, factor loadings of item scores and Cronbach's α coefficient. Item deletion was considered when the standard deviation of the item score was <0.85, the factor loading was <0.4 and the Cronbach's α coefficient of the whole scale was greater after the removal of the item than before its removal. The coefficient of correlation between a dimension score and the total score can be used to evaluate the content validity of a questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted using the largest variation method and orthogonal rotation; half of the sample was selected randomly, and the number of extraction factors was determined by parallel analysis. When the actual eigenvalue of the data in the scree plot curve falls below the average eigenvalue of the curve of the random matrix, the extraction factor number can be determined. Confirmatory factor analysis of the extraction factor model was performed using data from the remaining half of the sample (Byrne, 2009; Hu & Bentler, 2009) with Mplus 6.0 (LindaMuthen, BengtMuthen). With these methods, we explored the factor structure and tested the scale's construct validity.

T tests and one‐way analysis of variance were used to compare BEBQ scores among subjects with different characteristics, thereby examining the scale's discriminant validity. Cronbach's α, test–retest correlation and Guttman's partial reliability coefficients were calculated to evaluate scale reliability. The test–retest reliability coefficient is used to evaluate scale stability, and the alternate‐form and split‐half reliability coefficients are used to evaluate equivalence. Cronbach's α coefficient is used to evaluate internal consistency, with values >0.70 generally taken to indicate good reliability (Murphy & Davidshofer, 2001).


3.1. Sample characteristics

Of 300 questionnaires distributed, 288 questionnaires were collected and 270 questionnaires were valid (valid call‐back rate, 93.75%). Twenty‐two of the 30 invalid questionnaires were blank and eight had the same responses to all items. Among the valid questionnaires, 53.3% were completed for male infants and 46.7% were completed for female infants. The mean age of the infants was 5.4 ± 2.5 months, and the mean age at birth was 38.7 ± 2.0 gestational weeks. The general characteristics of the subjects are shown in Table 2.


Subject characteristics

3.2. Item screening results

All items scores were >0.85 and factor loadings were >0.4, and the Cronbach's α coefficient for the scale was not greater after the removal of any item. Thus, all BEBQ items were appropriate and screening did not result in the removal of any BEBQ item (Table 3).


Chinese Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire item properties

3.3. Scale validity


3.3.1. Content validity 

All coefficients of correlation between dimension and total scores (0.51–0.79) were greater than coefficients of correlation between dimension scores (0.16–0.45).


3.3.2. Construct validity 

Figure 1 shows the diagram generated by parallel analysis conducted as part of the exploratory factor analysis. The actual eigenvalue of the data in the scree plot curve falls below the average eigenvalue of the curve of the random matrix after the fourth factor. The data were found to be suitable for factor analysis [Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin value = 0.83, Bartlett's spherical test value = 425.771, concomitant probability = 0.00 (<0.05)], and four factors were extracted. The eigenvalues of the factors were 3.27, 2.99, 1.35 and 3.27, and the variance contribution rates were 21.79%, 19.93%, 9.0% and 21.79%. The cumulative variance contribution rate was 58.38% (Table 4). Based on the implied meanings of the items with the greatest loadings, the four factors were deemed to represent food responsiveness (four items reflecting infants' need for and response to milk), enjoyment of food (four items reflecting infants' enjoyment of milk), slowness in eating (four items reflecting infants' speed of eating) and satiety responsiveness (three items reflecting infants' appetite and the amount of milk consumed). These factor labels match the original BEBQ dimensions (Table 4). In the confirmatory factor analysis, the structural validity of the questionnaire was found to be adequate [λ2/df = 1.23 (<5), goodness of fit index (GFI) = 0.91, adjusted GFI = 0.86, non‐normed fit index = 0.95, comparative fit index = 0.96, root mean square error of approximation = 0.04 (<0.08)]. The results of the reliability analysis are provided in Table 5.


Parallel analysis results


Factor matrix for the Chinese Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire


Chinese Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire reliability coefficients


3.3.3. Discriminant validity 

The satiety responsiveness and food responsiveness dimension scores differed significantly according to gestational age, infant sex and average monthly weight gain (all P < 0.05). The enjoyment of food dimension score differed significantly according to average monthly weight gain (P < 0.05). The slowness in eating dimension score did not differ significantly according to any subject characteristic (Table 6).


Chinese Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire dimension scores according to subject characteristics


4.1. Scale reliability and validity


4.1.1. Reliability 

All reliability coefficients for the Chinese version of the BEBQ exceeded 0.70, indicating good stability, equivalence and internal consistency. The Cronbach's α coefficients for the scale dimensions obtained in this study are greater than those reported for the original BEBQ (0.73–0.81) (Llewellyn et al., 2011) and the Australian version of the scale (0.56–0.78) (Mallan et al., 2014), indicating that the Chinese version of the BEBQ has better reliability.


4.1.2. Validity 

The Chinese version of the BEBQ showed good content validity and better structural validity than reported for the original scale (Llewellyn et al., 2010). The cumulative variance contribution rate for the four factors is close to that reported for the original BEBQ (59.7%) (Llewellyn et al., 2010).

4.2. Discrimination of the questionnaire

The satiety responsiveness and food responsiveness scores showed significant sex‐based differences in this study, consistent with the results reported for the original BEBQ (Llewellyn et al., 2011). Some studies conducted with older children have shown that boys have lower food satisfaction scores than do girls, and this difference can be inferred to have begun in infancy (Carnell & Wardle, 2008; Sleddens et al., 2008; Wardle et al., 2001). These two dimension scores also differed significantly between preterm and full‐term infants, consistent with results reported for the original BEBQ and those of a study conducted by Cooke et al. (2004) and Cooke and Embleton (2000), suggesting that premature birth affects infants' appetites (Embleton et al., 2001). The satiety responsiveness, food responsiveness and enjoyment of food dimension scores differed according to monthly weight gain, perhaps because poor dietary intake affects infants' growth and development (De Kroon et al., 2011; Lefebvre & John, 2013; Li et al., 2008; Salgin et al., 2015). We found no significant difference in the enjoyment of food, slowness in eating or satiety responsiveness score according to birth weight, as was observed for the original BEBQ in a sample of babies in the UK, which is, in turn, consistent with other findings linking birth weight to eating behaviour (Baird et al., 2005; Ong et al., 2006). Our results may be related to the weight increase of only 5.6% from birth in our sample. Original BEBQ satiety responsiveness and food responsiveness dimension scores also differed according to infants' feeding patterns, and epidemiological studies have yielded similar results (De Kroon et al., 2011; Gluckman et al., 2007; Harder et al., 2005; Owen et al., 2005), but we observed no such difference in this study.

4.3. Study limitations

This study has some limitations. First, the subjects were recruited from two hospitals in Xi'an and only 270 questionnaires were valid, which limits the representativeness of the sample. Second, we could not evaluate the criterion validity of the scale because no other tool for the evaluation of babies' eating behaviour in China is available. Finally, our aim was to evaluate infants' eating behaviours during the exclusive milk‐feeding period, but parents' responses may have been influenced by the current eating behaviours of older infants, especially those eating solid foods. This recall bias could not be avoided. All of these limitations might have influenced the accuracy of the study results. In the future, we will expand the test area and sample size, and select breastfeeding mothers to reduce selection and recall biases.


The Chinese version of the BEBQ is the first tool developed for the evaluation of the appetites of infants in China through the assessment of eating behaviour. This tool has good reliability and validity, is suitable for the evaluation of infants' appetite in China and can be used in early screening for dietary and nutritional problems. To ensure the questionnaire's stability and universality, we will expand its testing in different areas of the country and further verify its reliability and validity. The findings from this study support future research on the relationship between infant eating behaviour and appetite in China.


Lei Shang and Xun Jiang conceived and designed the study. Hao Zhang, Xianjun Yang, Tong Xu and Jing Yuan performed the study. Hao Zhang and Xianjun Yang analyzed the data. Lei Shang, Xun Jiang and Hao Zhang wrote the paper. Lei Shang, Xun Jiang and Yi Wan critically reviewed the manuscript and provided comments for revision. All authors contributed to the interpretation of the data and the writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


This study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the (No.v2.0.2012.03.10). All participants provided informed consent to participation.


We would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions to this manuscript of Clare H. Llewellyn of London University, who is the author of the Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. The research team is grateful to all the children and their families who took part in this study, as well as the research assistants and coordinators involved in this study. Source of funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China (81773540). The Social Developing Research Funds of Shaanxi Province (2017SF‐005).


Zhang H, Yang X, Xu T, et al. Preliminary evaluation of the Chinese version of the Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. Child Care Health Dev. 2021;47:627–634. 10.1111/cch.12870 [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]


Hao Zhang and Xianjun Yang contributed equally to this study; they are co‐first authors.

Funding information The Social Developing Research Funds of Shaanxi Province, Grant/Award Number: 2017SF‐005; National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Number: 81773540



The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.

Article information

Child Care Health Dev. 2021 Sep; 47(5): 627–634.
Published online 2021 May 4. doi: 10.1111/cch.12870
PMCID: PMC8453539
PMID: 33811354
Hao Zhang, 1 Xianjun Yang, 2 Tong Xu, 1 Jing Yuan, 1 Yuhai Zhang, 1 Yi Wan, 1 Xun Jiang, 3 and Lei Shangcorresponding author 1
1 Department of Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an China
2 Prevention and Control Centre of Disease, Chengdu Military Command, Chengdu China
3 Department of Paediatrics, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an China
Lei Shang, nc.ude.ummf@ielgnahs.
corresponding authorCorresponding author.
Dr. Lei Shang, Department of Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China.
Email: nc.ude.ummf@ielgnahs
Received 2018 Sep 5; Revised 2021 Feb 19; Accepted 2021 Mar 19.
This is an open access article under the terms of the  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/  License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.


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