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Japan Expo: Takes France by storm

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Posts: 198
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Joined: 5 years ago

This is Paris Japan Expo 2009. The expo has grown bigger each year since then but those videos are in Japanese or french - I can't find any English videos except 2009.

Even back in 2009 France already was the second biggest consume of manga after japan. One in three comics sold in France is a Manga.


Some thing about th way the french do cosplay, it looks really good. My hats off to them.-bigthumbup
2012 videos no narration

Final thoughts, since France is a fashion leader, and the current youth of France is into Japanese pop culture and fashion, it will be interesting to see how japan will influence French fashion in the future.

Also, the Japan expo has grown, people from around Europe are now come to France to see the Expo. To keep pace, the Japan expo has expanded its venues to include other Asian cultures as well. kpop/Kdrama has their own subsection in the Japan expo and Vietnam had a martial arts demonstration as well.
