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Retired FBI Admits Pearl Harbor Cover Up 米国政府は真珠湾攻撃を事前に察知していた

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Ted Gunderson, Retired FBI 'Special-Agent-In-Charge' now a whistle blower, reveals that attacks on Pearl Harbor were known in advance:
"I knew that we were advised about Pearl Harbor several days before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Yet it was supposed to be a surprise attack. I talked to the naval intelligence officer who received the message in Washington D.C. on December the 4th, 1941 that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. He sent the message on to his superiors. After the war he was subpoenaed before a committee, congressional committee, he was told by his superiors at that time ignore subpoena. You don't understand now but you will later on. As we all know and it's well documented. We knew in advance of Pearl Harbor. It was covered up."
