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Poo is Cool

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Bizarre MONEY toilet turns your POO into cash to buy coffee, food and books | The US Sun (the-sun.com)


According to Reuters, the professor said: "If we think out of the box, faeces has precious value to make energy and manure. I have put this value into ecological circulation."

Postgraduate student Heo Hui-jin reportedly added: "I had only ever thought that faeces are dirty, but now it is a treasure of great value to me.

"I even talk about faeces during mealtimes to think about buying any book I want."

Micro-organisms in a tank breakdown the poo and convert it to methane gas ?w=480 480w, ?w=620 620w, ?w=670 670w, ?w=960 960w, ?w=1240 1240w, ?w=1005 1005w, ?w=1440 1440w, ?w=1860 1860w, ?w=1340 1340w, ?w=1920 1920w, ?w=2480 2480w" />

Micro-organisms in a tank breakdown the poo and convert it to methane gasCredit: Reuters

The average person is said to produce around 500g of faeces a day.

This can be turned into 50 litres of methane gas, according to Professor Jae-weon.

That amount of energy could reportedly drive a car 0.75 miles.

The money created by the toilet can only be spent at the university ?w=480 480w, ?w=620 620w, ?w=670 670w, ?w=960 960w, ?w=1240 1240w, ?w=1005 1005w, ?w=1440 1440w, ?w=1860 1860w, ?w=1340 1340w, ?w=1920 1920w, ?w=2480 2480w" />

The money created by the toilet can only be spent at the universityCredit: Reuters

People who use the digital coin creating toilet are paid in a made up currency called Ggool.

Ggool means honey in Korean.

Anyone using the eco-friendly toilet gets 10 Ggool a day.

That's said to be enough for coffee, instant noodles or fruit.

Students can also save up their Ggool to buy books.

The average price of a latte in South Korea is around £3, according to Statista.

To spend the digital money, students just have to use a special QR code.

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Elgin Productions
Posts: 351
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Human poop can be used as fertilizers too

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Posts: 931

@elgin that’s why we’re are wary of buying veggies from Mexico. I only buy berries and tomatoes from America.

James avatar
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Posts: 1690

@elgin we don't want another covid 19
