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Selected Remarks by Ms. Powell
Background Information on Dominion Voting Systems (0:28-1:27)

... I can hardly wait to put forth all the evidence we have collected on Dominion, starting with the fact that it was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez; (it was) then shipped internationally to manipulate votes for purchase in other countries, including (the U.S.). It was funded by money from Venezuela and Cuba, and China has a role in it also. So if you want to talk about foreign election interference, we certainly have it now. We have staggering statistical evidence, we have staggering testimony from witnesses; (this includes) one who was personally in briefings when all of this was discussed and planned, beginning with Hugo Chavez and how it was designed there; ... then, (the witness) saw it happening in (the U.S.) (Regarding) the states (that) shut down on election night and stopped counting, those are the states where the most egregious problems occurred. ...

Financial Holdings in Dominion by U.S. State Officials (1:27-1:54)

... We also need to look at, and are beginning to collect evidence on, the financial interests of some of the governors and secretaries of state who actually bought into ... Dominion systems, surprisingly enough. (There was) Hunter Biden-type graft. (These officials sought to) line their own pockets by getting ... voting (machines put) in (place) that would make sure their election was successful, or they got money for their family from it. ...

Votes Altered by Election Machines (2:23-3:25)

... I think (that) even if the states (in question) are stupid enough to go ahead and certify the votes where we know the machines were operating and producing altered election results ... then (their certifications) will be set aside by (legal action taken in response to the fraud). ... we are talking about hundreds of thousands of votes.

President Trump won this election in a landslide; it's (going to be) irrefutable ... patriots are coming forward every day all day, faster than we can collect their information, with the testimony they're willing to give under oath about how their votes were stolen, and how the machines (were) operated. They were updated the night of the election, sometimes after the election. We've got statistical evidence that shows that hundreds of thousands of votes (were simply) just put in and replicated ... there needs to be a massive criminal investigation, and its going to affect millions of voters and elections.

Various Topics (3:51-5:05):

[Democrats reported problems with Dominion voting machines in the past:]... I knew that even Democratic Senators and Congresspeople for years have reported problems with this system to the FBI and to the government, and nobody's done (anything) about it ... [FBI Effort to Intimidate a Witness:] (Christopher) Wray [Director of the FBI] needs to be fired, because (during) the only FBI interview of any witness, (they tried) to intimidate him and ... get him to change his truthful testimony (four hours by an anti-Trump FBI agent).

[The Urgency of the Situation:] ... this is essentially a new American revolution and anybody who wants this country to remain free needs to step up right now. ... altering a vote or changing a ballot is a federal felony. People need to come forward now and get on the right side of this issue, and report the fraud they know existed in Dominion Voting Systems, because (fraud is what it) was created (for) ... it has been used all over the world to defy the will of people who wanted freedom.

Who has been Involved? (5:35-5:50)

... (the fraud has) been organized and conducted with the help of Silicon Valley people, the big tech companies, the social media companies and even the media companies. ... I'm going to release the kraken.