These are labelled according to the Mexican state of each sampling. In most cases the sampling was conducted in the capital city of each state, except for Guerrero where recruitment took place in Acapulco. The colour intensity represents the average East Asian ancestry in each state based on the ADMIXTURE run (K= 5), while the node sizes are proportional to the sample size of each state. (b) Chromosome painting of an individual from Guerrero used to illustrate the distribution of local ancestry tracts along a genome.
The total ancestry proportions in this individual are:
✓ East Asian = 15.8%,
✓ African = 15.4%,
✓ Native American = 40.1%,
✓ European = 28.7%.

Most individuals from Guerrero clustered with maritime Southeast Asia, except for one individual positioned near southern China. Individuals from Guerrero genetically resemble western Indonesian and non-Negrito Filipino populations, specifically those from Sumatra, Mindanao, Visayas and Luzon.
