I do not believe you're fear mongering at all. We've seen the patterns and dire consequences of who Western media chooses to demonise before. Like when the Japanese were the big bad, Japanese-Canadians/Americans were forced into labour camps and the murder of Vincent Chin.
Which ever nation that happens to be America's "enemy" of the week is subjected to biased media coverage. It's so insidious that communities today are still affected from their fearing mongering from 18 years ago, post-9/11, ie. Quebec City and Christchurch shootings. Yet they call the Chinese brainwashed? Ha! They've been bleating about "FreedomTM", "DemocracyTM", "LiberationTM" ever since the Cold War.
If HK actually does join up with the US to fight a proxy war, then GG. I'm sure the Kurds and Saddam will say "You too, eh?" in the after life. And I'm talking worst case scenario should war come to fruition, I urge PoC to think about if your blood is so cheap that you would spill it for a White man's profit. I hope the answer is 'Fuck no!'.
I'm against America's national hobby of starting wars, sorry to my American brothers and sisters I just need a good ol'rant. <3
I think you are missing my point. I'm not talking about the bigger political picture or how the influence of the Chinese government plays a role in the decision making of American companies.
I am talking specifically about how the controversy will affect us asian diaspora in the west and the racism we are likely to face because of it. Because unfortunately, a lot of people undoubtedly will equate "china = bad" as "chinese = bad" and plenty of racists are frothing at their mouths trying to find any excuse to hate on an ethnic group. This will give them that excuse.
If you want to make the claim that American companies kowtowing to the Chinese government is fucked up then by all means; but I'm afraid we're talking about two separate issues at that point.
That’s a by product of capitalism. China has no power to fire NBA executives. It has the power to stop watching the NBA if they think you’ve offended them.
It’s simple. If you do business with somebody, offend them for whatever reason, and they don’t wanna do business with you...that’s fine. That’s their right.
Instead now everyone is like “wow how can China be so sensitive”. If you believe in freedom, you should believe in accepting others decisions. They’re not putting a gun to American businesses heads. They’re saying we don’t wanna do business with you anymore. It’s American companies that make their decisions accordingly.