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How Washington deceived people - The Rape of Nanking 米国政府はどうやって人民を騙したか① - 南京大虐&a

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Here's Washington's official film in 1944 titled 'Why We Fight - Battle of China'.
戦時中の1944年に米国政府が製作した「なぜ私達は戦うのか- 中国戦」というプロパガンダ映画の一コマに南京虐殺シーンがある。

In this film reports 'Rape of Nanking' (1937-1938)


"In their occupation of Nanking the japs again out did themselves again in barbarism. The helpless populous was trapped by the city walls and and could not flee. The Japanese soldiers went berserk. They raped and tortured. they killed and butchered. [Man shouts:"HAJIME"] In one of the bloodiest massacres of recorded history, They murdered 40,000 men, women, and children."

When you watch this footages, you will believe what Washington reported.
But if you carefully analyze the footages, you will find Washington's lie.


For full story:

(go to 0:25:40 for Nanking)


They are not the Japanese Imperial millitary. The uniform is different.

This is a movie making scene:
- a man standing on the right holds a reel of film.
- a directer-like man wearing black sunglasses sitting on his knee.
これらは日本兵ではない。日本兵が白人女性を連行するか?右側の男性は半ズボンを履いて左に向かって歩いて いる。黒いサングラスをかけた監督風の人が膝をついている。
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If you take a close look, you see a man in a short pant walking to the left.
This is not Nanking Massacre.
(Nanking Massacre is said to be in Dec - Jan, but this footage is, as you see, NOT in the winter.)

左側には、半ズボン姿の男性が左の方向へ歩いている。これは、映画/ドラマ撮影シーンであり南京虐殺とは関係無い。また、南京虐殺は12月から1月の冬に行われたというけど、 この映像を見る限り冬ではない。

Scene 2:
He is not even East Asian.

A guy on the right is smiling.
しかも、右側にいる中国の帽子をかぶった男性はニッコリと笑っている。虐殺場面で笑っている奴 がいるか!
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↓ A white guy is laughing at the camera.

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Obviously, this is not Nanking Massacre.
This is Washington-fabricated Nanking Massacre Footage!


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The soldiers are NOT the Japanese Imperial Soldiers. The uniforms and helmets are different.

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This is NOT the JIA uniform. ................. JIA didnot carry this kind of backpack. This guy doesn't look East Asian.
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The people are laughing!

Nanking Massacre...and they are laughing...?
This is Washington-fablicated Nanking Massacre footage

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Scene 3:
They are NOT the JIA soldiers. JIA didn't carry this kind of backpack.
(I found similar backpacks in another film: that was Mao's Communist soldiers carrying this kind of bag. i will show you later.)
When Washington fablicated this footage, the director didnot really check what the JIA looked like.

The Chinese characters on the monument is Toooo sloppy for a monument. Only the first three characters are readable, and the rest unreadable. The person who wrote this monument doesn't really know how to write chinese characters. Behind the monument is a western style building: a weird combination of western style building and a sloppy monument. → IMO this footage was NOT taken in China, but somewhere in the USA, because, unlike Shanghai, western style buildings were scarce that time in Nanking.
こいつら日本軍兵士では無い。日本軍はこんなバッグは背負っていなかった。他の戦時記録映画で、毛沢東率い る共産軍が似たようなバッグを背負っているのを見たことがある。(後で記載します)
碑文に書かれた文字が汚すぎる。「一二八」以外は読めない。漢字の書き方をよく知らない人が書いたと思われ る。後ろにある建物は西欧風なので、アメリカのどこかで撮影されたのだと思う。当時、上海とは対照的に南京 には西洋風の建物が少なかったから。

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These legs are NOT the JIA soldier's.

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This looks like skirt. JIA didn't wear skirts, of course. JIA didn't wear black socks.
